Kaart Ranglijst

The Philanthropist.

The Philanthropist.
Verslagen tegenstanders: 45.935 (62.)
Stam: PL.

Dorpen (21) Coördinaten Punten
01.The Philanthropist.
486|551 9.813
02.The philanthropist.
487|567 9.253
03.The philanthropist.
485|553 6.058
04.The philanthropist.
487|551 6.482
05.The philanthropist.
486|552 4.293
06.The philanthropist.
486|558 4.611
07.The philanthropist.
482|553 4.289
08.The philanthropist.
486|559 3.512
09.The philanthropist.
486|548 904
10.The Philanthropist.
490|555 4.964
11.The Philanthropist.
482|555 915
12.The philanthropist.
485|550 799
13.The philanthropist.
485|549 759
14.The philanthropist.
484|553 663
15.The Philanthropist.
485|552 880
16.The Philanthropist.
485|551 710
17.The Philanthropist.
490|590 803
18.The Philanthropist.
483|562 4.978
19.The Philanthropist.
479|566 3.075
20.The Philanthropist.
480|569 426
21.The Philanthropist.
485|561 2.834