Kaart Ranglijst

Power Of The Mind

Power Of The Mind
Verslagen tegenstanders: 3.037 (853.)
Stam: Odd

Dorpen (17) Coördinaten Punten
001 Think About It
513|432 8.411
002 Think About It
514|431 7.113
003 Think About It
515|432 5.359
004 Think About It
515|434 5.532
005 Think About It
514|429 4.862
006 Think About It
508|428 2.024
007 Think About It
510|428 1.871
008 Think About It
510|420 1.861
009 Think About It
512|422 1.822
010 Think About It
513|423 1.818
011 Think About It
509|420 1.296
012 Think About It
508|418 1.807
013 Think About It
515|422 661
014 Think About It
513|426 634
015 Think About It
517|433 527
016 Think About It
516|426 515
017 Think About It
515|431 3.570